Koelbel & Company and Koelbel Urban Homes
Koelbel and Company has grown and helped change the face of the Centennial State since 1952 and is in the third generation of family ownership. Current communities include:
The Preserve at Greenwood Village - www.preservegv.com
The Keep at Sedalia - www.thekeepcolorado.com
The Bluffs at Pinehurst - www.bluffsatpinehurst.com
Rendezvous Colorado in Winter Park - www.rendezvouscolorado.com
Grand Elk in Granby - www.koelbelatgrandelk.com
Koelbel and Company's newest division is Koelbel Urban Homes - www.koelbelurbanhomes.com - building innovative urban homes in the hottest neighborhoods on the Front Range. Current KUH communities include:
TrailCrossing at Lee Hill in North Boulder - www.trailcrossingboulder.com
CityHomes at Boulevard One in Lowry - www.kuhatboulevardone.com
5390 in Berkeley-Regis - www.5390byKUH.com
Vine in Congress Park - www.vinebyKUH.com
Industry in RiNo - www.liveatindustry.com
Keywords: commercial development, mixed use development, Koelbel Urban Homes, Urban Homes, resort-style apartments, townhome living, business parks, retail properties, office properties, R&D, hotel properties, custom suburban homes, rural estates, single-family homes, luxury townhomes, real estate development projects, home builder